Ministry News NN


Please check back regularly for new opportunities to get involved at the parish through our ministry meetings & outreach opportunities.


Join us Sunday Morning for Adult Bible Study at 9am in the Divine Mercy room. We are currently studying The Book of Psalms, using the Ignatius Bible Study Guide and Commentary. All adults are invited! No previous bible study experience is necessary and extra copies of the book will be made available.  Contact Phil Scafidi at

Disciple Maker Index (DMI)

The Disciple Maker Index (DMI) is an anonymous survey of parishioners that provides insights into the level of missionary discipleship in our parish in addition to the effectiveness of the Mass experience, preaching and other aspects of the parish.  Please help us be the best possible parish by participating in the survey! Survey is open now through April 6.

Watch this video from Archbishop Hartmayer

Take the DMI survey now!

Respect Life Rosary — Wednesdays in Lent

Join the Respect Life Ministry in praying the Rosary for the Sanctity of Life on Wednesday evenings at 6pm during Lent. All are welcome to gather in the church as we lift our prayers in defense of life.

SAM Monthly Meeting

Senior Adult Ministry (SAM) will meet on Wednesday, March 12 at 12 noon in Cogswell Hall. All seniors 55+ in the parish are invited to attend. Deacon Pete Ranft will join us to share how we can evangelize in our domestic Church this Lent.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Lori Crocker,

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Bring completed Prayer Shawls, Hats, and Scarves.  We will discuss the Around the World Arts and Crafts Marketplace.

Altar Server Trainings

Training for New Altar Servers will be held on Monday, March 10, Monday, March 17 and Monday, May 5, at 6:30pm in the church. New servers must attend all three (3) training dates. The Altar Server Ministry is not just for children! All parishioners in Grades 4 and up who have made their First Holy Communion are invited to join the Altar Server Ministry. Contact Lori Crocker for more information. 

March Food Drive

The February Respect Life Food Drive resulted in 560 lbs of food to donate to The Lawrenceville Co-op and 50 boxes of Cereal for Nothing But the Truth! Thank you St. Lawrence for your generosity!

Next Drive will be Tuesday, March 25!

Meet our Easter Vigil Candidates for Christian Initiation

Get to know them!



Easter Bag Collection Supporting Catholic Charities & Mending the Gap

sponsored by the Respect Life Ministry on the weekend of 3/29-3/30 before all Masses in the Narthex

Suggested items Kids/teens ages 3 to 17

Small stuffed animal or toy, activity book, soccer ball, scented lotions, body spray, journal, art supplies, candy, coloring books, colored pencils

Suggested items for Seniors

Ensure, personal wipes, facial tissues, toothpaste, mouthwash, chapsticks, hand soap, deodorant, lotion, stationary, coloring books, colored pencils, toilet paper, chocolate, crossword puzzles, slipper socks, snack items

We ask that you put your items into reusable bags or gift bags. NO BASKETS PLEASE.

Name Tag Sunday is March 15-16

Wear your name tag to Mass on that weekend so that we may come to know one another by name.

If you would like to order a name tag before Name Tag Sunday, click the button below to place your order. The cost is $10/tag. Orders are placed in batches; you'll be notified by email when it arrives.

Order a Name Tag

Prayer Ministry is March 15-16

The Prayer Ministry invites you to a personal prayer experience. Each month, on Name Tag Sunday, immediately after Mass, you will be able to approach the prayer stations set up behind the altar for someone to pray with you and for you.

Prayer Warriors for Life

Join others in prayer at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Lawrenceville. Prayer warriors gather Tuesdays (9AM - 6PM) & Saturdays (8:30AM - 4PM) to be a voice for the voiceless. Location: 355 Philip Blvd, Lawrenceville. Contact Mary Hayes or Brenda Stoll for details,

2025 Lenten Tea

The Ladies of St. Lawrence invite you to a Lenten Tea on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 3:00 PM to 4:45 PM in Cogswell Hall. Our guest speaker, Sally Kazin, a spiritual director with the Cenacle School of Spiritual Direction, former director of The Marian Servants of the Blessed Trinity, and religious artist, will present a talk titled I Believe.” There is no cost to attend, but space is limited.

About Sally
Sally Kazin was a parishioner of St. Benedict Catholic Church in Duluth, GA, from 2000 to 2024, alongside her husband, Gerry, who served as a deacon. In 2024, they relocated to Washington, GA, and now serve at Saint Joseph Catholic Church. Sally has inspired many through her faith-sharing at Magnificat prayer breakfasts, radio programs, Ignatian prayer retreats, spiritual direction, healing prayer, writing, and religious art. She is a board member of the Heritage Retreat Center - Sharon in Crawfordville, GA, and mentors young adult Missionary Service Ambassadors of Heritage on their spiritual journeys.

~SPACE IS FULL!~ If you need to cancel your reservation, please reach out to Rosanne at

Countdown finished!

Resource Ministries offering aid & Support

Information for those in Need

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Need Assistance?  To request help contact our local St. Vincent de Paul Society (serving zip codes 30019, 30043, 30045 & 30046) by accessing the Intake Form here.

For all other Zip Codes, call


Grief Support

St. Lawrence offers grief support on an individual basis for those in need. Please contact Barb Kennedy, R.N., at


Stephen Ministry

Our parish Stephen Ministry provides confidential one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives, such as:

  • Divorce or Separation
  • Troubling medical diagnosis
  • Death of a loved one
  • Job crisis
  • Birth of a child
  • Relocation
  • Spiritual crisis

…and many other concerns

There is no fee associated with Stephen Ministry.

Contact Maryanne Hendrick at (770)402-8185

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