Faith Formation & Discipleship

Adult Faith & Discipleship

Every disciple of the Lord Jesus shares in this mission. To do their part, adult Catholics must be mature in faith and well equipped to share the Gospel, promoting it in every family circle, in every church gathering, in every place of work, and in every public forum. They must be women and men of prayer whose faith is alive and vital, grounded in a deep commitment to the person and message of Jesus.  (§ 2 §)

To grow in discipleship throughout life, all believers need and are called to build vibrant parish and diocesan communities of faith and service. (§ 3 §)

[Adult] catechesis will help adults to experience the transforming power of grace and to grasp the integrity and beauty of the truths of faith in their harmonious unity and interconnection—a true symphony of faith.

For more information about the various programs, please contact Diane Maguire, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, or Elizabeth Chinery, Director of Faith Formation.

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