Contact Peter Uwechue
Adoration takes place Monday-Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in DeSales Hall. Parishioners are invited to maintain a moment of silent prayer with Jesus exposed in the monstrance.
Joseph Darlington Emenike
The ACOSLAW ministry offers those with familial ties to Africa a local community atmosphere of hospitality and prayer.
Contact Anna Pfeil
Altar Guild members are responsible for the proper laundering of the sacred linens and cleaning of the church.
Contact Mary Jo Ware
Care for the Troops is a ministry of prayer and support to members of the military and their families.
Contact Amy Hamilton
Basketball and volleyball teams for boys and girls in 3rd-12th grades are formed to play against other parish teams throughout the Archdiocese. As a note, Basketball is available for K-2nd. Volunteers are needed to help coach and assist with practices.
Contact Darleine Arce
Volunteers give of their time and talent by helping during office hours and assisting with large parish mailings throughout the calendar year, as needed.
Contact Glenn Zipfel
Cursillo is a short course or retreat in Christianity that offers a vision of human love, charity, and genuine friendship centered on the Eucharist. Ultreya is a group for those who have attended a Cursillo who meet monthly to strengthen their Christian life.
Contact Loretta Mirandola
Welcomes singles, couples, and newcomer adults, to shared fellowship and food. Groups are formed twice a year.
Contact Esther Harris-Brown
meets regularly to pray the Divine Mercy prayer chaplet together.
English Charismatic
Prayer Group
Contact Bernadett Ijeli
(English) Charismatic Prayer Group members gather weekly to praise the Lord as the Holy Spirit moves them.
Contact Nelson Rivera
works to end homelessness. It is an interfaith non-profit that partners with local church communities and social service agencies to help homeless families become self-sufficient.
Contact Jocelyne Labossiere
Gathers Haitians and other Francophones weekly for prayer to praise the Lord as the Holy Spirit moves them.
Contact Judy Varley
A needs-based ministry that works to develop opportunities for parishioners and the parish as a whole to effectively reach out to people and church communities worldwide
Contact Terrence Gaines
An order of Catholic men dedicated to the ideals of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Membership available to Catholic men 18 years and older.
Contact Rosanne Larkins
LOSL meets monthly to bring together in the spirit of Christian fellowship, the women of the parish, both socially and spiritually. We are an integral part of St. Lawrence, lending hands to support other church ministries and to undertake projects both religious and secular that will benefit our Christian community and approved charitable organizations.
Contact Sue Winslow
Members help bereaved families by providing food and hospitality to mourners after the funeral liturgy.
Contact Louise Monti
Encourages parishioners to leave a lasting impact by including St. Lawrence Parish in their estate planning, wills, or other forms of planned giving. The ministry provides resources and guidance to help individuals create a legacy that supports our mission for generations to come.
Contact David Crocker
Men of Faith brings men 25+ of the parish together for fellowship and faith sharing on a monthly basis
Contact Kevin Lemieux
The Parking Ministry offers a warm welcome and provides guidance to parishioners and visitors during our busiest Masses, ensuring a smooth and safe parking experience. Volunteers assist with directing traffic, maintaining flow, and being a friendly presence to create a positive start to the worship experience.
Contact Wendell Tumale
This ministry captures fleeting moments of worship and fellowship events in our church and transforms them through photographs into timeless memories for years to come.
Contact Marty Pascale
Prayer Ministry teams receive training and support to pray with and for others after the Vigil Mass once a month.
Contact Trudy Turner
A group of parishioners who enjoy knitting and crocheting. We make prayer shawls for those in the parish and community. Our shawls are for those who are experiencing need for healing, challenges, grieving, and celebration.
Contact Nicole Topoleski
The RL Ministry educates and informs the parish on the broad spectrum of human life issues, which the Church teaches.
Contact Cathy Devitt
Members prays the rosary Monday to Saturday [at 8:30 a.m.] before the 9 a.m. daily Mass, and in the evenings at 7pm from Monday to Friday.
Contact Dan Dant
Provides the overall safety and welfare of our parish family and community whenever we gather for Masses and parish events
Contact Lori Crocker
SAM is a social group of those who are both comfortable with, and like to socialize with, people over the age of 55.
Contact Pam Kramer
SVdP provides emergency food, shelter, and clothing to parishioners and neighbors in need. Volunteer caseworkers help evaluate needs and coordinate assistance.
Contact Maryanne Hendrick
A one-to-one, confidential Christian caregiving. Trained Stephen Ministers offer the love of Christ by listening, caring, praying, and encouraging those hurting from grief, divorce, a crisis, and/or other life stressors.
Contact Loretta Graves
Aid couples by meeting with them for planning, leading the rehearsal, and assisting at the wedding.
Contact Bob and Joy Hernandez
Marriage Encounter is a 2-day retreat led by 3 Catholic couples and a priest, designed to enhance communication in marriage. WEDS Monthly gatherings offer ongoing support for couples who have completed the Weekend.
Contact Glenn Zipfel
Members assist parishioners and newcomers at the Welcome Window in the Narthex after Sunday Masses.
Contact Katie Crocker
YAM helps brings together 21-39 years olds, single or married, for fellowship, study, and service.
Contact Jessica Lemieux & Elizabeth Jakl
YFOF is designed around young married couples and families with young children (infant-5th grade). Social gatherings take place twice a month at church
Georgia Bulletin Newspaper
We are building a Church of Missionary Disciples in the Heart of Gwinnett County by joyfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that all may Encounter Christ, Grow as Disciples, and Share the Gospel.
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