Our Mutual Relationship with Each Other, in Relationship with the Lord
St. Lawrence Parish is a Catholic Christian community of disciples of the Lord Jesus. We believe that everyone is called to be on a spiritual journey, and that what matters is not where a person is on that journey, but that they are actually on the journey itself. Therefore, we seek to welcome all peoples regardless of their stage of their spiritual life, their struggles and failures. We are a hospital for sinners, not a hotel for Saints. We simply ask that you walk with us and be open to what God is calling you to.
To be a member of this parish is to enter into relationship with the other members of the parish, who are also on this spiritual journey. We do this together. Clear expectations are at the heart of every healthy relationship.
The Archdiocese of Atlanta defines “Active Parishioners” as:
Those who have been registered in the parish for at least three (3) months; (please note that if you registered during the last three (3) months in this parish, you must provide evidence that you were previously active members at another parish, for a cumulative period of at least three (3) months).
Note that Catholic Schools, for verification purposes, typically requiring six (6) months of active participation.
To Worship God…We gather to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday (the Lord’s Day). We expect all members of the parish to gather for Sunday worship unless they are unable to do so because of illness or travel. It is when we gather on the Lord’s Day to be nourished by Word and Sacrament that we are reminded of who we are, and are then given food for the journey. And in this task we fulfill our call to worship God who created us and are given the grace we need to continue loving God and one another.
To Grow…To become a follower of Jesus Christ is to be his disciple. Jesus said, “this is the will of my Father, that you should become my disciples” (John 15:8). A disciple literally means “one who is learning.” We believe that learning and growing are lifelong tasks. When we cease to learn and grow we cease to be disciples and will experience stagnation in our spiritual lives. We expect every member of St. Lawrence Parish to commit to at least one program of Faith Formation each year. We need to remember that our commitment to growth helps those around us to fulfill their own commitments. In this way our Church becomes healthy.
To Serve…Jesus said, “The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45). The essence of the Christian life is to serve God and one another. The Church is not healthy when it forgets this truth. We are called not just to serve individually, but to do so corporately as the Church. This way we give witness that the Church is the hands and feet of Jesus active in the world. We also believe that every parishioner, without exception, has something to offer, something they do well and can do for the sake of the Kingdom of God. We expect every parishioner to serve the parish by being involved in at least one ministry each year.
To Connect…The Church is a community of believers and not simply a collection of individuals who happen to gather in the same place for one hour a week. Christian community is one in which we are truly accountable to one another and accountable for one another. This task needs to be taken up with due diligence as the size of our parish makes it a real challenge. We expect every parishioner to contribute to the task of building community by seeing themselves as an integral part of the life of this parish and being intentional about reaching out and connecting with others.
To Give…We expect all parishioners to give generously of their financial resources in proportion to what they received. We give not to just meet a few basic needs or to pay the costs of maintaining the Church building and necessary staff positions. We give out of gratitude to God, and the more the parish receives, the more we can do for the building-up of God’s Kingdom, the more we can help the poor, and the more opportunities we can offer to help others grow. No one is excluded from this. If someone has less, they give less. If someone has more, they give more. This offering which we make at Sunday Eucharist, is quite simply a necessary part of our thankful dutiful worship of God.
Georgia Bulletin Newspaper
We are building a Church of Missionary Disciples in the Heart of Gwinnett County by joyfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that all may Encounter Christ, Grow as Disciples, and Share the Gospel.
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