Contact John Brandt
Adult Choir rehearses Thursday evenings and sings at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Contemporary Choir
leads the congregation in song at the Sunday 12:30 p.m. Mass. Singers and instrumentalists, young and old welcome. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Resurrection Choir
leads the sung prayer at parish funeral liturgies. Daytime availability is needed, along with the ability to respond on one or two days’ notice.
Contact Lori Crocker
young men and women who have received First Communion in grade four and older who assist the ordained ministers by leading processions, bearing ritual books and serving the altar with dignity and grace.
Contact Robin Ramsey
A & E team members create the visual expression and decorate the church for our liturgical celebrations. Parishioners with creative ideas join those with hands-on skills.
Contact Tom Galucki
Technicians operate the livestream, sound, and video equipment in our church, ensuring that our worship is seen and heard clearly by all.
Contact John Brandt
All Children's Choirs begin in August and end in April.
Cherub Choir, for children ages 4 to first grade, offers the opportunity to learn about sound, singing and social interaction. Rehearsals are on Thursday afternoon.
Carol Choir, comprised of young people in grades 2 to 4, rehearses on Tuesdays and serves at various Masses throughout the year.
Cantare Choir, comprised of young people in grades 5 to 8, rehearses on Tuesdays and serves on the 1st Sunday of the month at the 10:00 a.m. Mass and other times throughout the year
Contact Robin Ramsey
Adults commissioned by the Archdiocese upon completion of a training workshop. They help with the distribution of the Body and Blood of our Lord during the celebration of Mass.
Contact Jane Riordan
Greeters welcome and engage people as they enter the doors of our church before Mass.
Contact Lori Crocker
Commissioned adult Extraordinary Ministers who bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound.
Contact Matt Coles
proclaim God’s Word during worship, bringing it to life for our parish community. Training and support are provided to ensure Scripture is proclaimed clearly and meaningfully. If you feel called to help others hear and embrace God’s Word, join this ministry. Clear English, preparation and a desire to inspire faith are all that’s needed.
Contact Robin Ramsey
prepare the church and altar for Mass at all liturgies and coordinate the service of the other liturgical ministers.
Contact Dan Jakl
provide invaluable service by assisting those with special needs, finding available seating, collecting the offerings and distributing materials to the congregation
Georgia Bulletin Newspaper
We are building a Church of Missionary Disciples in the Heart of Gwinnett County by joyfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that all may Encounter Christ, Grow as Disciples, and Share the Gospel.
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