Every person…child or adult…is on their own journey toward Christ and a life of discipleship. At St. Lawrence, with God’s grace, our mission is to inspire and inform those seeking sacraments, community, and a life lived in Christ. All of our formation processes provide individuals at all levels of discipleship, from seekers to saints, and of all ages, from womb to tomb, an opportunity to encounter Jesus, to surrender and become captivated by Christ in a transformative and radical way, and live in dynamic freedom.
This program is offered in-person on Sundays, for children in Kindergarten through the 5th grade, after the 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Masses.
Our Edge program provides a safe fun place for youth in grades 6-8 to find solid Catholic
community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Edge meets on Sunday evenings from 6:15-7:30 p.m. in the gym.
Be sure to click the button below to view upcoming events, current and future fundraisers, upcoming trips, etc.
Questions? Contact Michelle Sander
St. Lawrence High School Youth Ministry program encompasses both our High School programs and Confirmation preparation for grades 9-12.
All high school teens – whether you are Catholic or not! – are invited to our Wednesday Life Teen nights in the Gym, from 6:15 – 7:30pm. Life Nights are held on Wednesdays throughout the school year.
Be sure to click the button to learn more about our High School Youth Ministry program and to learn about upcoming events, trips, and opportunities to go deeper in the faith.
Questions? Contact Nic Schmitz.
Program Requirements
-The child or teen must be baptized already (if not, please call the parish office).
-At least 2 years of Sunday Faith Formation sessions are required.
-80% attendance is required both years.
-The youngest a child may be is 7 years old and in 2nd grade.
-In the 2nd year, in addition to Sunday sessions, there are special sessions in the fall and spring: the Sacrament of Reconciliation is covered in the Fall, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion in the Spring.
Grades 1-5 and 6-8: Contact Michelle Sander
Grades 9-12: Contact Nic Schmitz
Director of Faith Formation, Elizabeth Chinery
Confirmation Prep Year 2
Youth in grades 10 – 12 may receive Confirmation if they meet the following requirements of the Archdiocese of Atlanta (AoA):
-They are in 10th grade or higher
-They are in their second consecutive year of foundational religious education. (This happens in Life Teen, Catholic School, or an approved Catholic home school.)
-They attend Confirmation preparation sessions. (Confirmation sessions at St. Lawrence happen on Wednesday nights from 6:15 – 7:30pm, concurrent with Life Teen. Confirmation candidates will be pulled out from Life Teen into a separate class every other week.)
Confirmation Candidates are expected to remain faithful participants in the Catholic Church by:
-Attending Sunday Mass (or Saturday Vigil Mass) each week.
-Receiving Reconciliation within a month prior to Confirmation (or as frequently as desired).
-Completing church service projects.
-Selecting a Confirmation saint and providing an essay on the Life of the Saint and why they selected that Saint.
-Choosing a Confirmation sponsor in Good Standing with the Church (please refer to the Sponsor & Godparent page for specific requirements).
Note: The role of a sacramental sponsor is to be an ongoing mentor who gives spiritual support to the person by a lived example of a Christ-like life.
The Sponsor should request a Sponsor Certificate from their home parish at least 6 months prior to the date of Confirmation.
Questions? Contact Nic Schmitz
Georgia Bulletin Newspaper
We are building a Church of Missionary Disciples in the Heart of Gwinnett County by joyfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that all may Encounter Christ, Grow as Disciples, and Share the Gospel.
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